Special borrowing privileges
Certain unaffiliated users qualify for limited borrowing privileges. These users include faculty and students at specific schools, and Minnesota government agencies.
Application process
Users qualify for limited borrowing privileges if they belong to one of the categories detailed below. Eligible candidates must complete a special borrowing privileges application and attach the required documentation.
Expiration and renewal
Special borrowing privileges expire on an annual basis or each semester, depending on the category. They can be renewed with the same process, as long as the borrower still qualifies.
Users whose privileges expire annually include qualifying:
- tenured and tenure-track faculty,
- emeritus faculty, and
- Minnesota government agencies.
Privileges that expire each semester will expire in either mid-January or early September. This applies to qualifying:
- graduate students,
- undergraduate students,
- adjunct faculty, and
- academic staff.
Qualifying users
Faculty and emeritus faculty
Faculty and emeritus faculty at all accredited institutions of higher education qualify. For current faculty, an appointment letter or contract for the current academic year is required. For emeritus faculty, an official letter from your institution designating your status is required.
Big Ten Academic Alliance
Faculty, staff, graduate students, and undergraduate students at Big Ten Academic Alliance member universities qualify. Verification on the BTAA reciprocal borrowing page is required.
Minnesota State System universities
Graduate students and undergraduate students at seven universities in the Minnesota State System qualify:
- Bemidji State University
- Metropolitan State University
- Minnesota State University, Mankato
- Minnesota State University Moorhead
- Southwest Minnesota State University
- St. Cloud State University
- Winona State University
A referral form from your institution's library is required.
Graduate students outside Minitex network
Graduate students at accredited institutions of higher education not within the Minitex and CLIC networks qualify. A fee statement or course registration summary for the current semester is required.
If your institution is within these networks (i.e., most schools in Minnesota), you do not qualify—other than the Minnesota State System universities explained above. As a member of the Minitex network, your institution's library can promptly request materials for you through interlibrary loan.
Minnesota government agencies
All federal, state, and municipal government agencies located in Minnesota qualify. A government agency receives one borrowing card, which must be shared by all borrowers. We cannot create borrowing cards for individual employees. An official letter, business card, employee ID, or other form of verification is required.