Dryad institutional membership

The University Libraries has an institutional membership with the Dryad Digital Repository (Dryad). Dryad is a curated repository that makes research data discoverable, freely reusable, and citable. 

Dryad provides a general-purpose home for a variety of data types. Anyone in the world can deposit and download data housed in Dryad.

The University Libraries' institutional membership with Dryad benefits researchers at the University of Minnesota by waiving Dryad’s Data Publishing Charges and overage fees (starting at $120 USD per dataset) for U of M authors that submit data sets to Dryad. Explore the Dryad FAQ for more information.

Frequently asked questions

Who is eligible to deposit to Dryad?
Current students, staff, and faculty of the University of Minnesota. Data depositors are required to have an ORCID ID before they can submit data to Dryad. Get more information on Dryad upload instructions.

What are Data Publishing Charges (DPCs)?
Dryad’s Data Publishing Charges start at $120 per dataset. However, due to our institutional membership, this fee is waived for U of M depositors.

Who is eligible to receive a waiver from Dryad?
All data publishing charges and overage fees will be waived if at least one author is an U of M affiliate and only if a U of M author is doing the deposit. See more about the Dryad submission process and contact Dryad if you have problems.

How is the Dryad repository different from DRUM? Does the Libraries Dryad membership replace DRUM?
U of M authors may choose where to publish their data. The Data Repository for the University of Minnesota (DRUM) is our local (no fees) repository for U of M research data. Dryad is a generalist non-profit repository open to anyone. Dryad and DRUM share many of the same benefits (minting DOIs, open access, curatorial review). But, in some cases, your journal may require that you publish your data in Dryad, specifically, since they have integrated workflows with many publishers and support peer-reviewer access to data.

Compare data curation options.

Can I be reimbursed for Dryad deposit fees that I already paid for before we were institutional members?
Deposit fees will be waived for submitters while the institutional membership is paid for by the University Libraries. Any fees paid outside of this period or paid by co-authors at other institutions will not be reimbursed.