An ORCID iD is a lifelong digital name for an individual researcher that consists of a persistent, unique, numeric identifier.
About ORCID iDs
ORCID iDs are an important tool for researchers as they
distinguish you from other researchers with the same or similar names,
help you create a profile for your research activities, regardless of whether you have changed names, published under multiple variations of your name, or switched institutions,
are required by major publishers including PLOS, Wiley, and IEEE,
are required by for individuals supported by NIH, AHRQ, and CDC research training, fellowship, research education, and career development awards,
- are increasingly requested or required by funding agencies such as the National Science Foundation, US Department Transportation, and the Wellcome Trust for grant applications.
Get an ORCID iD
Registering for an ORCID iD is easy—all you need is your name, email, and about 30 seconds!
Use your ORCID iD
You can use your ORCID iD in many ways—we list just a few starting points below. Learn more about ORCIDs and find FAQs, including how to remove a duplicate ORCID iD.
- Increase the visibility of your research: Include your ORCID iD on your webpage, when you submit publications, apply for grants, and in any research workflow to ensure you get credit for your work.
- Automate the process: Use your ORCID iD to link accounts and automatically import content from other sources such as Scopus, Web of Science, and CrossRef.
- Connect your ORCID iD with Experts@Minnesota: Create a new ORCID iD through Experts@Minnesota, or link your existing iD to Experts@Minnesota.
Learn more about ORCID iDs
This four minute video shows how ORCID iDs can help you manage your scholarly profile to support grant funding and promotion, and to increase the visibility of your research.
Connect and automate scholarly profiles Learn how the data flows between tools and data sources
ORCID accounts can import data in three ways
- ORCID automatically imports journal and grant data where the author entered their ORCiD during the submission process,
- ORCID can be set up to automatically import from various systems once the author has enabled the connection, such as with CrossRef and Experts@Minnesota,
- ORCID can import data manually by the author using an identifier like a DOI, a BibTex file, or other systems such as the MLA International Bibliography.
SciENcv can be set up to automatically import from ORCID, MyNCBI (PubMed), and eRA Commons (NIH grants).
Many of the research information management tools used by the University of Minnesota are interconnected and can be linked together automatically, semi-automatically, or manually.
Experts@Minnesota automatically imports publication data from Scopus, grants data from Sponsored Projects Administration, and Human Resources (HR) data from PeopleSoft. Experts@Minnesota then pushes this data automatically to Manifold, which is used by the Medical School.
ORCID can also manually export to Works, the UMN faculty reporting system.
For questions or assistance, contact your librarian or [email protected].