Lab report
Assignment steps
Understand assignment and Complete lab experiment
- Before lab
- Read over lab assignment in advance.
- Define your objectives, prediction or hypothesis.
- Summarize your expected outcomes.
- If needed, do brief literature search to understand context around experiment.
- During lab
- Take detailed notes on procedures and results and note any differences in procedures or expected outcomes.
- Record enough detail to allow someone else to repeat experiment based on your notes.
- As you write your report
- Be aware of the style of scientific writing in your discipline and grammar.
- Write in complete sentences. Try to stay away from using "I". Use past tense. Use an active voice not passive (PDF).
- Note
- This is most useful for lab reports which are based on IMRAD (introduction, methods, results and discussion). Each discipline, course, and instructor may require a different format and style for the lab report. Be sure to tailor these general steps to your specific assignment and talk to your instructor if you have questions.
Percent time spent on this step: 20
Describe materials and methods
- Briefly explain overall procedures. List materials and equipment used.
- Explain in detail the steps in the experiment including sub-headings, if needed. Be specific so another student could replicate the experiment.
- Do not include results.
- Include lab notes, if required.
Percent time spent on this step: 15
Analyze and describe results
- Analyze data collected or observed.
- Report major results with no interpretation.
- Create data tables, graphs, or charts to clearly display results include labels, units and descriptions.
- Use subheadings.
- Do not make up or modify data if results are different than you expecte
- Explain possible causes of unexpected results.
- *Note
- Fabricating or falsifying data is considered Scholastic Dishonesty in the Student Conduct Code.
Percent time spent on this step: 15
Conduct library research and develop introduction
- Review the literature to find relevant material and theories to provide context and rationale. Use keywords to search subject-specific databases. Databases search scientific and academic journals.
- Contact the libraries for more help finding relevant materials
- Ask Us! (Chat, email, or phone)
- Walter Library (Science and Engineering)
- Magrath Library (St. Paul campus)
- Health Sciences Library
- As you write your introduction, focus on information that provides background to or directly relates to your data and conclusions.
- Describe background and context for experiment.
- Give background on materials (e.g. organisms, chemicals, etc.) used.
- Explain the theory behind the techniques.
- Include citations to any sources you use. Use Zotero and other tools to create bibliography.
- Get online or in-person writing support at the U of M's Center for Writing
Percent time spent on this step: 5
Interpret & synthesize results
- Refer to your hypothesis, outcomes or predictions as you discuss conclusions.
- Support each conclusion with evidence from your experiment. Describe your rationale for your conclusions and any patterns or relationship your results demonstrate.
- Compare results to the expected results and to those found in the literature (include citations).
- Discuss the limitations of your experiment: what can't you conclude? What other interpretations may be correct? What were the limits of the methods you used?
- Discuss how your results fit into a broader context such as practical applications or other situations, species, systems, etc.
Percent time spent on this step: 15
Write abstract. Develop a title. Revise & rewrite.
- The abstract is generally 100-200 words and summarizes the whole lab report in a concise and descriptive manner.
- Your title should be descriptive and engaging.
- Editing and Proofreading Your Work from the U of M's Center for Writing.
- Get online or in-person writing support at the U of M's Center for Writing.
Percent time spent on this step: 20
Put lab report in final form.
- Double check the formatting requirements including title page, page numbering, etc.
- Read report for spelling and grammar errors.
- Create list of sources using correct citation style. Ask your instructor if you are unsure which style manual to use. Try Zotero and other tools
- Get online or in-person writing support at the U of M's Center for Writing.
Percent time spent on this step: 10