
Explore, tinker, prototype, learn and share. Makerspaces are creative spaces with sewing machines, craft supplies, 3D printers, button makers, virtual reality, and more. All materials, technology, and tools are free. All majors, years, and skill levels welcome!

Makerspace in Health Sciences Library

The Makerspace is located on the fifth floor of the Health Science Education Center (HSEC).

Our space

Work zone

Paper crafts room

Specialty equipment room

Electronics zone

Hours for to
Date Day Open

then to











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Makerspace in Walter Library

The Makerspace is located in the basement of Walter Library, inside of the Toaster Innovation Hub

Our space

long shelf with colorful selection of craft supplies

Crafting zone

Sewing machine, cutting mat, sewing supplies, and colorful thread

Sewing zone

white Cricut maker with sticker decorations

Cutting zone

two 3D printers on a table

Printing zone

Hours for to
Date Day Open

then to











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two 3D printers on a table

Filament 3D printing

3D printers (Prusa), PLA filament, materials and tools for quality prints. PrusaSlicer software is available on the computer or a free download.

Available at:

  • Health Sciences Library: Prusa Mini (6), Prusa MK3S (6), Prusa MK4 (4)
  • Walter Library:  Prusa Mk3S (4)

Resin 3D printing

Formlab Form 3 resin printers. Gray, white, flexible, and clear resin supplied.

Available at:

  • Health Sciences Library: Form 3 (1), Form 3b (1)
button maker and supplies

Button making

Make buttons with our 1.75-inch button makers. Button shells and mylar film provided.

Available at:

  • Health Sciences Library: 1.75" button maker (1)
  • Walter Library:  1.75" button maker (1)
white Cricut maker with sticker decorations

Vinyl cutting

Make with Cricut cutters and large format vinyl cutters. Colored paper, cardstock, vinyl sticker paper, and inkjet printing available.

Available at:

  • Health Sciences Library: Cricut Maker (2), Roland GS-24 large format vinyl cutter (1)
  • Walter Library:  Cricut Maker (2)
vacuum former

Molding and casting

Make molds and cast resins with vacuum formers and vacuum chambers. Molding plastics and resin casting equipment supplied.

Available at:

  • Health Sciences Library: Makyu Formbox (1), 5 gallon vacuum chamber (1)
CNC Mill

CNC milling

Carve and cut into various materials with CNC milling. 

Available at:

  • Health Sciences Library: Carbide 3D Nomad (1)


Prototype electronics with soldering irons, power supplies, Dremels, drills, and more!

Available at:

  • Health Sciences Library: Soldering Iron (2), 36v Power Supply (1), Dremel (1), Drill (1), Heat Gun (2)
Laser Cutter

Laser cutting

Etch, engrave, and cut with laser cutting. Acrylic, MDF wood, and cardboard supplied.

Available at:

  • Health Sciences Library: PLS 6.75 laser cutter (1)
sewing machines

Sewing and embroidery

Make with sewing, embroidery, and overlocking machines. Various sewing and embroidery thread, embroidery stabilizer, fabric scraps, supplied.

Available at:

  • Health Sciences Library: Singer heavy duty sewing machine (2), Brother SE 600 sewing and embroidery machine (3), Juki overlocking machine (2)
  • Walter Library:  Brother SE 700 sewing and embroidery machine (2)
long shelf with colorful selection of craft supplies


Make with various crafting supplies

Available at:

  • Walter Library
  • Health Sciences Library

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Resources and guides

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Upcoming events

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Makerspace news

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Related spaces and services

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Your gift will support University Libraries' programs, technologies, and services engaging students, faculty, and the community in hands-on learning and research.

Give to the Makerspaces

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Can you help me 3D print, make a sticker, laser cut, and use the equipment?
Yes! Just drop by during our open hours, and our staff will be happy to help you get started. We also have guides in the Makerspace for each piece of equipment.

Can you create a 3D model, design a virtual reality experience, photograph my event?
Our role is to guide and support your creative journey with our resources and expertise. While we can’t complete your project for you, we’re here to assist and guide you through the process.

Does it cost anything?
No, our materials, workshops, and equipment usage are completely free. Just like using the Library, there’s no charge for accessing our spaces and services.

Do I need an appointment?
For general usage, individuals and small groups don’t need to make an appointment – just come during open hours! For more specialized question, please ask our staff or contact us below. For class visits or tours, please schedule by using the contact form below.

Do I have to be working on coursework-related projects?
No, our spaces and resources are available for both academic and personal projects.

Where do I start?
Visit our guides or bootcamp resources for a helpful starting point.

Who can use the makerspaces?
Our spaces, services, and workshops are open to everyone – students, staff, faculty, and community members. Some spaces are easier to access than others:

The Makerspace in the Toaster Innovation Hub in Walter Library’s basement is open to all. 

The Makerspace and Virtual Reality Studio in the Health Sciences Education Center require UCard access. Public visitors can make an appointment using our contact form.

Do you loan out equipment?
We loan media production equipment and virtual reality headsets. However, Makerspace equipment is not available for loan. 

Can I leave my kids here?
No, unsupervised children are not permitted in our spaces. Visitors under 18 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian who remains on-site, though they don’t need to participate in activities. Our spaces are not equipped for infant care.
Exception: PSEO students do not require a guardian.

Can I bring my own materials?
Yes, you’re welcome to bring your own materials. Please note:

Our 3D printers support only PLA, PETG, and TPU filament.

Please label personal materials, as we aren’t responsible for keeping track of personal items.

Do you 3D print overnight?

The Makerspace in the Health Sciences Library can run prints overnight, though completed prints must be picked up during open hours.

The Makerspace in the Toaster pauses all prints when the last staff member leaves for the day.

Can you start my 3D print for me?
All prints must be started in person. We don’t offer cloud printing, and printers are available on a first-come, first-served basis with no reservations.

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Contact us

Contact form Ask us questions!

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